Maintaining the effectiveness of an installed gas fire suppression system is critical to it's designed operation. Room integrity is one of the most important parts of the suppression system as a whole and is very often overlooked. Leaky "Risk Areas" (rooms) can reduce the hold time of the suppression agent and will also effect the operation of the CRAC/HVAC/AC units.
When modifications are made to equipment, cabling, structures etc, the integrity of the risk should be checked and tested if necessary. A hole created by installing new cables, a damaged door that doesn't close properly, an incorrectly set relief damper and building works can jeopardise or even inhibit completely, performance of any suppression system. These are just a few examples, but many more exist and are overlooked EVERY DAY.
Call us now if you suspect your suppression system may be at risk.
Building material that allows uncontrolled air flow - leaky buildings - often leads to increased energy usage and poor air quality from pollution or moisture ingress. The measure of air leakage (air tightness) in a building is a perfect way to determine how efficiently your building's HVAC system is operating and potential cost savings that could lead into hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the building, not to mention improved health of building occupants.
As buildings become more and more energy efficient, the greater the percentage of energy consumption may be due to air leakage, and therefore the importance of air permeability and building air tightness will increase over time - especially as the building ages and changes are made.
There is talk around town that building envelope testing will become a mandatory aspect of construction and maintenance. The Department of Defence is hot on the topic - why aren't you?